Obama's dirty campaigns.

More TRUTH about Obama in the Chicago Tribune:
A close examination of Obama's first campaign clouds the image he has cultivated throughout his political career: The man now running for president on a message of giving a voice to the voiceless first entered public office not by leveling the playing field, but by clearing it. Read the rest here.
Are the members of the media working the Obama campaign ever going to ask him tough questions?
Dems better see the other side of Obama now and deal with it now(and still go with him, if we choose to - but we should not choose a man based on our fantasies about him). The fantasy that this man is anything but a Chicago Politician has got to stop. And worse, the media adulation has to stop. It is time to really examine Obama or we Democrats are in for a rude and brutal awakening when the GOP gets hold of him .
Also some sanity about Obama from Krugman: I know that Mr. Obama’s supporters hate to hear this, but he really is less progressive than his rivals on matters of domestic policy.
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