Obama wins big in state with huge Black electorate.
Obama wins big in state with huge Black electorate. He promises change again in speech, but, as usual, gives no specifics. His orgasmic supporters don't care since they assume Obama will make sure everyone gets along...somehow. They clearly believe he has magical powers and therefore experience and courage don't matter. Besides, he makes them feel good and their feelings ARE the only FACTS they care about.
Other news:
Clinton maintains large lead in polls in all the major Super Tuesday states - except Illinois. She also has large lead in Florida going into Tuesday's vote.
Press still treating Clinton like shit and Obama like he's the return of Jesus.
Rumours persist that a 12 step program has begun for reporters who compulsively insult and condescend to the former first lady and former President. Step one: Admitted we were snotty rich media liberals who are addicted to unfair Clinton bashing and to condescending to blue collar Democrats.
Keith Olberman and Arianna Huffington said to be founding members.
Other news:
Clinton maintains large lead in polls in all the major Super Tuesday states - except Illinois. She also has large lead in Florida going into Tuesday's vote.
Press still treating Clinton like shit and Obama like he's the return of Jesus.
Rumours persist that a 12 step program has begun for reporters who compulsively insult and condescend to the former first lady and former President. Step one: Admitted we were snotty rich media liberals who are addicted to unfair Clinton bashing and to condescending to blue collar Democrats.
Keith Olberman and Arianna Huffington said to be founding members.
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