I am proud to be a Democrat.
I have intoned a hell of a lot about what I perceive as the dangerous myopia that the Obama phenomenon has stirred in this nation. I see it as an extension of the foolishness stirred up 8 years ago by Bush. Bushies loved him because he was "strong." That's all they said, although there was no evidence of this. He had a weak track record and was clearly a mean little man. We found out just how small, mean and irrational a man as a nation years later.
The Obamites are much the same. They insist Obama is "new" and "inspirational" without much concern about his plans or ability to govern - and like Bush he has no track record, and appears more and more to be thin skinned and immature.
But he makes certain types FEEL GOOD - and that's enough for them to hand him the White House.
Even my once beloved Keith Olberman has drunk the kool aid. Olberman now uses Hillary Clinton as a punching bag. The psychology of this is alarming. Her merit, worthiness, and life's work mean nothing to the Obama cabal. Keith, MSNBC in general, and their enablers like Arriana Huffington have decided that bashing and insulting Clinton overrides all common sense.
Obama is the something for nothing candidate for a nation that believes deeply it DESERVES something for nothing. The Republicans voted for Bush because they wanted to have a beer with him. A chunk of the Democratic Party has decided to vote for Obama because they know he is comfortable at Whole Foods and probably has the Sundance Channel.
If we continue to fall for candidates that make us feel good I would like to nominate HOMER SIMPSON.
I do want to say this - On Thursday night my party, the oldest political party on earth, the party that gave us Jefferson and FDR, and civil rights, and women's suffrage, and labor laws, will host the last debate of the primary season. And the 2 candidates left are a mixed race man and a woman.
I am damn proud of this.
The Obamites are much the same. They insist Obama is "new" and "inspirational" without much concern about his plans or ability to govern - and like Bush he has no track record, and appears more and more to be thin skinned and immature.
But he makes certain types FEEL GOOD - and that's enough for them to hand him the White House.
Even my once beloved Keith Olberman has drunk the kool aid. Olberman now uses Hillary Clinton as a punching bag. The psychology of this is alarming. Her merit, worthiness, and life's work mean nothing to the Obama cabal. Keith, MSNBC in general, and their enablers like Arriana Huffington have decided that bashing and insulting Clinton overrides all common sense.
Obama is the something for nothing candidate for a nation that believes deeply it DESERVES something for nothing. The Republicans voted for Bush because they wanted to have a beer with him. A chunk of the Democratic Party has decided to vote for Obama because they know he is comfortable at Whole Foods and probably has the Sundance Channel.
If we continue to fall for candidates that make us feel good I would like to nominate HOMER SIMPSON.
I do want to say this - On Thursday night my party, the oldest political party on earth, the party that gave us Jefferson and FDR, and civil rights, and women's suffrage, and labor laws, will host the last debate of the primary season. And the 2 candidates left are a mixed race man and a woman.
I am damn proud of this.
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