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Saturday, December 01, 2007

God is Brazilian

As I peak oiler - I am beyond pessimistic about our future as a society. I am so pessimistic, in fact, that doom has become a form of entertainment for me. But I do want good news as well. I look for it. Beyond people being good to one another as they deal with human created suffering - there ain't much to crow about. I see almost no reason for optimism. We humans are in wild overshoot mode on a planetary scale. Part of that overshoot has been aided by voracious fossil fuel consumption.

So I watch oil developments closely - and here is one worth noting - Brazil may have made a monster oil discovery off it's lower Atlantic coast.

When asked to comment of the massive discovery the Brazilian Prime Minister said "God is Brazilian" Which, as a general theory of everything, I find appealing - and it does seem to be backed up by much observable and anecdotal fact. The Western God, does seem to have an appetite for environmental destruction, a history of brutal slavery, and often plays dress up and has big parties. Let's face it - The Girl From Ipanema is the perfect muzak for the escalator ride to heaven.

The estimated amount of recoverable oil would make Brazil a major player in the world. None of this diminishes my sense of doom or fascination with peak oil. Oil depletion continues to play out exactly as predicated. Including the oil being discovered now. What peak oil states is that 50% of the oil is now gone and that what is left is going to be difficult and expensive to obtain and use. It never states that we won't find more oil. Desperate times bring on.... etc etc.
Plow deep enough into the deepest waters and we may find Atlantis, Jimmy Hoffa, and Glenn Beck's soul, too.

Cheap oil is over. The best we can hope for in America is that the fall out from our 90 year oil bender is a humane, thoughtful transition to a less wasteful society. That means the suburbs and WalMart and Big Macs, and multinational salads from Whole Foods, and cheap anti-biotics, and a cultural life driven by drivel and morons - is gonna have to go.

The worst that can happen is Mad Max, essentially. I think we will end up somewhere in the middle - leaning toward Mad Max. I have no reason to believe the NASCAR, self induced Diabetes, Torture is Good Walmartians are going to suddenly give up their KFC and Lawyer Foyers in the Exurbs - and become thoughtful, healthy and GREEN.

The Brazilian discovery is interesting news. If about 7 more of these massive fields are discovered in the next year - i might think twice about Peak oil.

