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Thursday, December 27, 2007

Come on, Hucklebee is delightful!

I am sort of lost as to why Mike Hucklebee's Christmas ad with the blatant cross apparent to all caused such a ruckus. It was a gesture so obvious it was, in fact, not subliminal . Huclkebee was acting at being subliminal because his voters like to think they are in a on a secret. A secret the HEATHENS don't "get". Proving, again, that Evangelical Christianity makes people stupider.

Hucklebee is in many ways the social conservatives Culmination Candidate. THE PERFECT GOOFBALL. He gestures so broadly to his presumed base that there is hardly a campaign there. Yesterday he shot a bird for the cameras. Nice. This is a gesture to prove his bonifides with the "i shoot birds for fun" crowd in Iowa Here's the deal: "smoke and mirrors" is used when candidates want to hide something. (i suspect Obama is 3/4 smoke and mirrors, to hide that fact that there is no THERE - there.) Most candidates use some deception and distraction. Here's Hucklebee difference - he's not hiding anything. HE IS SMOKE AND MIRRORS. The perfect Evangelical candidate.

Reagan invited the nutters into the GOP in 1980, pitched the liberal Republicans and pro choice crowd overboard once and for all. W. sends signals to his Evangelical base with words like "crusade" (as if these fat TV watching "Christians" from Macon could "fight" anything) and the occasional nod to asking "his true father" in Heaven for advice on the "democrat" congress and Iraq and such. President Hucklebee would simple take this to its logical conclusion. A presidency of gestures making those who most fear death in our culture (evangelicals) feel secure. No action. No decisions. Just gestures. Secret crosses everyone sees. Big game hunting on the Washington Mall. Mass covenant marriages in the White House.

