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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Hopeful Signs. Trials for traitors.

Another post from our man LLoyd in the great Pacific Northwest. A hopeful op/ed - though a couple of sentences I can't go along with...I shall leave it up to you to figure which sentences I am talking about. Regardless - rock on, Lloyd.

Hopeful Signs

After years of complaining about politics in America I’ve had a recent spurt of energy. I see signs that real Americans have had it with the status quo and are taking steps to change things for the better.

I am not used to these feelings of hope and thoughts that we the people is anything but an inside joke on capital hill, you know where we are controlled from on a national scale. At first I thought it was something wrong with me, some kind of physical symptom of a disease or early stages of Alzheimers, but since no other symptoms have manifested themselves I wondering if it is a real feeling.

The last thing any of us want in life is having people laugh at us because of something foolish or stupid we’ve said. It has been safe for me to be the pessimist since Bobby Kennedy was killed, but that is exacting what the evil ones wanted. Now that I am much older I realize I helped allow them to have it all their way, by refusing to become involved at any level looks like that was a big mistake. I still do not want to sound like a fool but each of us will have to do something to stop this race to the bottom our country is on or we will have to explain to our grandkids how there was nothing we could do. If they point out all the ways we drug our feet we will be lowered in their eyes for handing over a mess to them. I do not want my granddaughter to think I am a coward or lazy for that matter.

So, after all those years of laughing at the phrase - get involved I find myself playing catch-up. I have no powerful friends at any level. The only weapons I have are my words and their exposure to the public. I want to help. I want America to rise again. So that people all over the world respect us and want to move here. We are the greatest country that ever existed. Our elected officials as a conglomerate have allowed our borders to vanish, our manufacturing jobs to be handed over to anyone that wants them, placed military weapons above the public educational system - requiring no child be left behind without funding it is a joke - and allowed the dollar to sink to the point that it takes thirty bucks to buy a hamburger in Europe.

I see hopeful signs: cities enforcing citizenship requirements for jobs, people against the Iran, I mean Iraq War, with the six hundred billion spent to date - ten times the administration’s initial estimate of its cost - Minutemen trying to stop the invasion from the south, Debold machines being scrutinized for software biases deliberately written into the code, cold hard questions raised about the Patriot Act’s disastrous effects on our civil liberties, and questions being raised about building seven at the trade center dropped by timed explosions.

They want us to settle for grumbling and complaining. THEY are traitors. Let us have Crimes Against Americans trials in which our leaders have to prove they have not harmed us deliberately for their personal gain and advancement. If the are innocent they will not stop the trials.

