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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Without accountability and responsibility there can be no Rights.

Without accountability and responsibility there can be no Rights.
If we expect our children to live in a free nation we must impeach Bush and Cheney.
My case for impeachment is simple: We owe it to our children, grandchildren, forefathers, and ourselves to bring articles of impeachment against George W. Bush and Richard Cheney to the floor of the House. Lying in order to take our nation into war is - in my book - the definition of treason. We now know that Bush and Cheney lied repeatedly to create a false pretext for
war. Thousands of dead solders, Tens of thousands of maimed soldiers, and between 100,000 and 500,000 dead Iraqi civilians are a direct result of these two men and their lying.
Do I think Bush/Cheney would be convicted and removed after a trial in the Senate? No.
Do I think the House and Senate should reclaim one of the "checks" that The
Founders put in the Constitution? Yes.

Ten years ago vicious Republicans defined impeachment down. President Clinton did, in fact, lie under oath about a blow job. However, this is hardy what the founders had in mind when they gave the House the right to impeach. 10 years later the case for impeachment
against Bush and Cheney is serious, real and relates directly on the health of the Republic. Creating "facts" to steer the legislative branch and the population into an unwise war is as impeachable as it gets. Washington and Jefferson would be insisting on impeachment and for Bush and Cheney to stand trial in the Senate.
We also now know that the Executive branch over road the constitution with warrant less wiretaps. This is illegal, unconstitutional, and impeachable.

We owe it to the Founders and to our decedents to debate impeachment on the floor of the House. and put it to a vote. Without accountability and responsibility there can be no Rights.
If we expect our children to live in a free nation we must impeach Bush and Cheney.

