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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Impeachment for the Children

What government is blocking access to the internet?

What government is purging all of their political "enemies" from the government?

What government if spying on its people leaving its borders?

You might have said China and the former Soviet Union. You would be wrong.

The new rules require all would-be "milbloggers", as soldier-publishers are called, to submit blog entries to supervising officers before posting them. That turns on its head the existing rules which allowed soldiers to post freely, with the onus on them to register their blogs and to alert officers to any material that might compromise security.

Yesterday the defence department went further and announced it was blocking access "worldwide" to 13 communal websites, including YouTube and MySpace from military computers and networks. General BB Bell said the move was to protect operations from the drain on computer capacity caused by soldiers downloading videos on these sites.

Apparently our government has decided that YouTube is too dangerous for our troops. Looking at videos of how to win at video games, rappers and basketball must be subversive and therefore stopped!

But while the Bush team has been lecturing the Iraqi Shiites to limit de-Baathification in Baghdad, it was carrying out its own de-Democratization in the Justice Department in Washington. We would feel that we had failed in Iraq if we read that Sunnis were being purged from Iraq's Ministry of Justice by Shiite hard-liners loyal to Moktada al-Sadr - but the moral equivalent of that is exactly what the Bush administration was doing here. What kind of example does that set for Iraqis?

Politics over competence. What I really love is when Republicans say that Democrats who are trying to end the war are playing politics. I suppose we only play, they live politics. Everything Bush does is political.

The Department of Homeland Security is breaking privacy laws by failing to tell the public all the ways it uses personal information to target passengers boarding flights entering or leaving the United States, according to a draft government report.
Yes, they are monitoring anyone who leaves the country and gathering data including credit card numbers. Boy, don't you feel more secure? They never lose laptops with personal information on them.

Unfortunately I could site more examples of how we are losing what it means to be America.

Impeach for the Children. Not really a joke. Our Constitution is being destroyed every day by President Bush. Isn't it worth saving?

