James Dobson hates America.
Whiner James Dobson won't vote for Rudy or Hillary or Barack - whaaa whaaaa whaaaa. Poor James - he's says he'll "sit the 2008 election" out.
Hey Dobson how about this: WHY DON'T YOU SIT THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OUT? Go to another country more in line with your views - like Saudi Arabia or Utah. Everything you stand for is anti-American. Attacking gay people, trying to control women's bodies, insulting and attacking anyone who does not share your constipated, constricted, evil, wrong headed, stupid, small version of "Christianity". What you call a "family" does not reflect what 80 percent of American families look like. You hate American families. You hate Jesus. Your views and opinions are Anti-American. You hate American values.
Hey Dobson how about this: WHY DON'T YOU SIT THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OUT? Go to another country more in line with your views - like Saudi Arabia or Utah. Everything you stand for is anti-American. Attacking gay people, trying to control women's bodies, insulting and attacking anyone who does not share your constipated, constricted, evil, wrong headed, stupid, small version of "Christianity". What you call a "family" does not reflect what 80 percent of American families look like. You hate American families. You hate Jesus. Your views and opinions are Anti-American. You hate American values.
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