Doom Patrol Thursday.

Doom Patrol: A. Iran - interesting twist: Cheney wants to bomb, Bush does not. Link here:
Cheney Attempting to Constrain Bush's Choices on Iran Conflict: Staff Engaged in Insubordination Against President Bush . Read through the comments - "Londonyank" is particularly clear about how much of our power as a nation has been diminished in the Bush II years. Cheney is scary and capable of anything. ANYTHING. The new war in already underway.
Which brings us to B. Are we ready for 7 dollar gas - ??? close down the shipping lanes in the Persian Gulf and we will be grateful for 7 bucks a gallon. But driving is not the issue. Food is. Other than gasoline the main use for of oil is growing and transporting food: Food, already heavily subsidized in the West by massive government subsidies, will be even more subsidized -- to do otherwise would be political suicide. In the US however, those subsidies will not be affordable due to the massive debt load, so food prices there will skyrocket. There will be a huge move to self-sufficiency (home gardening, especially by the massive numbers unemployed due to the depression), and to lower-cost foods (unprocessed fruits, vegetables and grains that require relatively little fertilizing). Because of the lack of resilience in the food industry, suppliers of more expensive foods (meats, diary products, processed foods and those that must be transported over long distances) will simply stop producing them, leading to rationing and black market activities, and even food riots in some countries. Ah - So Cheney's war leads to an oil shock which leads to hyper food inflation, which leads to riots, which leads to chaos....Falwell is so mad he left early...
The good news: South Korea is ahead of the curve in controlling the Robotic Overlords.
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