Doom Patrol Thursday.

1. Dead bees = dead people.
2. In case you forgot since oil has "dropped" to 63 dollars a barrel, before the "driving season" begins (WTF moment: when did driving get its own season?) We still have a big problem with oil on the horizon.
3. Save the polar bears, save the world.
4. The happy bullshit of "biofuel" debunked here -To produce enough corn-based ethanol to meet current U.S. demand for automotive gasoline, we would need to nearly double the amount of land used for harvested crops, plant all of it in corn, year after year, and not eat any of it.
And here -Biofuel production means turning food into fuel—in a world where, according to the United Nations, 854 million people suffer from malnutrition and where 16,000 children starve to death every day.
5. My current favorite: The Yellowstone Super volcano - Only with Yellowstone, an explosion could be 2,500 times the size of Mount St. Helens...nice
6. And I am sure there is a terrorist buying an "as is" Nuclear bomb from the Russian marked down for clearance bin somewhere right now....
Happy Thursday!!!
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