We knew Obama was a fraud before it was cool...



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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

On and On

Our glorious President was brought in to power by the Supreme Court. After he lost the popular vote and the recount was stopped in my state of Florida the judges of the Supreme Court gave the nod to him.

The first thing the boys who vowed to restore dignity and honor to the White House after stealing the election was accuse the Clinton administration of trashing the offices included taking all the "w"'s off keyboards. It wasn't true, of course, but that fact never got much traction.

It's no wonder that Rove and the gang thought they could get away with anything. And the list is staggering.

The guy they put in charge of student loans is being investigated for steering loans to his company.

The lack of funding to the FDA has lead to deaths of humans and pets.

The outing of a CIA agent for political purposes.

The GSA, which is supposed to be a-policical, being used to elect Republicans.

A gay hooker in the press corps.

The guy who changed the language on global warming, who wasn't a scientist, to make it less alarming. Fortunately he's working for Exxon now. Maybe he was then, too.

Jack Abramoff.

OSHA no longer protects workers.

Abu Ghraib.

Extraordinary Rendition.

Letting Osama Bin Laden get away in Tora Bora.

Letting oil companies write their energy policy and then claiming executive privilidge.


The guy who stole from Target.

Accusing others of not supporting the troops when they send our men and women into battle without the proper equipment or training. And the fact that Rumsfeld wasn't fired immediately when he responded to a soldiers questioning of that with "You go to war with the army you have; not the army you wish you would have had."

Pat Tillman.

Alberto Gonzalez.

Finally, we have a congress who will conduct oversight. We could have unending investigations until the end of the administration and well into the next.

But the biggest scandal of all is Iraq. We had the entire world with us after 9/11. Mr. Bush squandered all of that good will by invading a country that had not attacked us. He lied about everything leading up to the war. Everything. Ties to al Quada, WMD, smoking guns. He then had no idea or plan to deal with post-Saddam Iraq. The adage of hope for the best but plan for the worst was not a part of his Iraq strategy because he didn't have a strategy. We were not greeted as liberators. We were not welcomed with open arms. We lost as soon as we let the looting begin. And because of Mr. Bush's ego we are going to continue to let our men and women die policing a civil war because he cannot pull the plug on his legacy. Not only are our people dying but what about the Iraqis? Can you imagine living in a constant state of fear for five years? Yes, Mr. Bush, Iraq is now a breeding ground for terrorists because the kid who was 10 at the beginning of your war is now 15 and hates us.

Because of you.

