We knew Obama was a fraud before it was cool...



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Sunday, April 15, 2007

Obama = Sanjaya

The breathless analysis of Obama's huge haul is off the mark. The conventional "wisdom" is that since 100,000 people contributed to Obama and only 50,000 to Clinton, and since Obama's contributors did not contribute all they legally could - the presumption is that Obama will be able to return to these donors for more money later.

This presumption is questionable. It is just as logical to presume that Obama is the flavor of the month and that many of 100,000 contributors did not give the legal limit but they did give THEIR limit. With very little extra cash I happily gave Howard Dean 50 bucks in late 2003. Many of us on the Left got very excited about Dean. And then Dean came in 3rd in Iowa, and the disconnect between enthusiasm and getting people to vote for you was laid bare. Of course, Dean was actually saying things of substance. Obama has yet to SAY much of anything.

Time and time again in 2004 when GOPs were asked why they were voting for Bush they said something like "He's a strong leader" though the evidence was overwhelming even then that he was a distracted, weak leader.

Ask an Obama supporter now why they support Obama and the answer is just as simple minded. "He's new" He's fresh" - and that's about it. Since he rarely says anything specific no one has any real idea why they support him. "He's not Clinton" is pretty much all Obamasupporters like David Geffen and Arianna Huffington have to offer. Those who do not like Clinton have a place to direct their energy in Obama.

I loath American Idol - but I am watching of late to vote for Sanjaya. He can't sing - but he is sweet, handsome and charming - and a fine vehicle to attack that annoying show. Obama is charming, handsome, gives good speech - it is not at all clear he is a true talent. BUT HE IS NOT HILLARY CLINTON. That is enough for many liberals. Not me. As a Democrat I demand substance - not bromides about a "new" politics in Washington - which FYI is the oldest bromide of them all.

I have yet to be given a reason to vote for Obama that is not vapid. I would like to hear one. There are very good reasons to vote for most of the rest: Clinton- experience, intelligence, Edwards - a good streak of true FDR liberalism, Biden - an actual plan for Iraq, Richardson - The best resume of the bunch, Dodd - decency, solid experience, integrity, Kucinich - a true blue lefty with his heart in all the right places...
Obama??? nothing. He opposed the war from the Illinois state senate, and gave a great speech at the 04 convention. The rest is spectacle and trendiness.

