We knew Obama was a fraud before it was cool...



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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Obama - now that he is a "frontrunner" - let's actually talk about him.

In the midst of all the ruckus surrounding Obama $$$ haul - I want to point out 2 things:

1. A very interesting number in the latest granite state poll- Obama's support did not change. Rock star crowds, massive intake of cash, press dead set on the "Hillary is a phony" narrative and Obama still did not move in the poll. Clinton lost support - to Edwards.

2. I have been squawking for weeks that Obama simply was not going to fly in some core Democratic constituencies and that i strongly suspect that Obama is Howard Dean 2.0 - more bells and whistles, just as delusional about the "net roots" but less actual substance.
But now that we know he is a real contender here is what is going to happen - the Obama narrative is going to go from "This guy is fresh and new" to "where's the beef?" - Evidence is already trickling in - from the LA times piece on his cash haul:

At a Building and Construction Trades union gathering in Washington, D.C., the following week, the crowd screamed their approval for Clinton, Edwards of North Carolina, and even dark horse Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio. Obama delivered a sometimes-monotone address focused on his desire to change Washington, eliciting a more muted response.
At a recent firefighters' convention in Washington, D.C., Obama did not measure up to his rivals, at least in the view of some union members, said Harold Schaitberger, president of the influential International Association of Fire Fighters.
But after the first session, some participants told to the Portsmouth Herald, which sponsored the forum, that they found Obama's appearance wanting.
"He gave no specifics. I have no firm idea where he's going," one told the newspaper.
At a union-sponsored health-care forum last month in Las Vegas, a questioner pressed Obama for details on his health plan, noting the sparse offerings on his campaign Web site.

