The Neo cons created - then lost the war - now what?
The neo-con dream is a bust. That dream of changing the Middle East into lovely little garden democracies where everyone has a goat and a vote was always just bullshit topping off a pile of greed , arrogance and stupidity. Liberals knew this all along. The Bush presidency is worthless. If Bush and Cheney are not going to be impeached and removed, we must look elsewhere for leadership. 1 year and 9 months from now this nightmare will be over. We need to start looking past it now.
The truth is that next to nothing can be done to salvage Iraq. It no longer lies within the capacity of the United States to determine the outcome of events there. Iraqis will decide their own fate. We are spectators, witnesses, bystanders caught in a conflagration that we ourselves, in an act of monumental folly, touched off.
The truth is that next to nothing can be done to salvage Iraq. It no longer lies within the capacity of the United States to determine the outcome of events there. Iraqis will decide their own fate. We are spectators, witnesses, bystanders caught in a conflagration that we ourselves, in an act of monumental folly, touched off.
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