The Democratic field is much stronger than the GOP's in Presidential race. Rudy G. will implode soon enough, despite Chris Mathew's bizarre adulation. Yes, that IS a pic of Rudy in DRAG. Newt G. may ride back in to give the Cons something to get jacked up about. And would become the instant front runner. But not a winner. The DEM field is strong, but Hillary and maybe Edwards - are the only ones who can win the General Election. When will the pic of Obama taking a drag on a Camel Wide show up? It matters. The people he needs are not the black vote - he'll get most of that by default. He needs S.M.Ms - SOCCER MOM MODERATES. Like it or not, smoking matters to many of these voters. A president who smokes ain't gonna fly. Hillary remains the default winner unless Gore gets in.
Why don't we just have all the primaries for the next 3 Presidential elections in Feb of 08? 2008 on Tuesday. 2012 on Wednesday and 2016 on Thursday. The presidential election is now going to be 2 years long.... with the general election set by Feb 15 next year. It is ridiculous.
And screw daylight savings time. Why don't we just eliminate standard time at this point? "Standard" time will be four months out of the year from now on. It is idiotic. And pointless. And annoying.
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