Rove Over
John has said that Rove is not so smart. Boy, oh boy, is he right.
Somehow he managed to extracate himself from the Plame scandal but I'm hoping he will finally be held accountable for Gonzalez-gate.
James Moore, co-author of Bush's Brain, said that everything is political for him. In other words, he doesn't believe in governing, which explains how this White House has managed to screw everything up from Katrina to Iraq. There are no actual plans to deal with issues, only spin.
We are going to pay for the consequences of this administrations lack of planning for years.
Somehow he managed to extracate himself from the Plame scandal but I'm hoping he will finally be held accountable for Gonzalez-gate.
James Moore, co-author of Bush's Brain, said that everything is political for him. In other words, he doesn't believe in governing, which explains how this White House has managed to screw everything up from Katrina to Iraq. There are no actual plans to deal with issues, only spin.
We are going to pay for the consequences of this administrations lack of planning for years.
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