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Saturday, March 31, 2007

Protect and Defend

President Bush has said repeatedly that the most important part of his job is protecting the American people. And yet...

Cutting funding of the FDA has lead to how many food scares? Spinach, lettuce, Peter Pan Peanut Butter (I had to return four jars - DAMN YOU TWO FOR ONE SALE!) and now pet food. Nothing is more horrific than hurting babies or pets.

Changing the rules for the Interior which meant that local citizens had less of a voice in the decisions for forests and gave the power to corporations. Recently overturned.

Climate change data being manipulated by non-scientific personnel to water down the imminent danger to us.

Federal Prosecutors being fired because they were protecting us from rotten Republicans.

Our troops being housed in deplorable conditions during the rehabilitation because we didn't plan for so many casualties.

Our troops in those deplorable conditions because we didn't adequately protect them with body armor or up armored vehicles. Forget about the lack of training and time home...it goes without saying in a war without end no one is going to get that.

Karl Rove using the GSA which is supposed to be completely non-partisan to get out the votes for Republicans. Just one of the many scandals Mr. Rove is involved with and don't get me started on his dancing.

Everything that the President has done in direct contradiction of the constitution including reading our mail, listening to our phone calls, reading our emails, suspending habeas corpus, issuing signing statements and using executive privilege to cover his wrong doing.

So how exactly is Mr. Bush protecting us?

Can you say IMPEACH?

