Impeach the sons of bitches already! Pelosi 07!

1. THE ESSENTIAL reason for this war is oil and profits. We are killing people for other people to make money. Deal with it.
4 years later - this obvious truth is largely avoided by the liberal blogs. Who has made money? What was protected by the invading Armies? What was ignored by the invading Armies? Answer those 3 questions then prove -somehow - that this war was not created by very rich people to be fought by poor people so that very rich people could get even richer.
I am not a Marxist. But the obvious is the obvious....
Not only is the war illegal and immoral. It is fundamentally unAmerican.
2. Liberals were right about the Iraq war all along. Many conservatives and all neo-cons, and most moderates were wrong all along. The Voice of liberals in the U.S. should be listened more intently and with more respect. The fact is WE WERE RIGHT/THEY WERE WRONG.
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