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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Heart of Darkness

Too much, too many people. It's like a jungle sometimes it makes me wonder how I keep from going under.

Thank you Grandmaster Flash. Perfect description for the last couple of weeks.

Let's see, we've got Robert Mueller testifying that the FBI has been somewhat over zealous in checking us all out. Illegally. We've got Scooter Miller going to jail unless he gets that pardon that Lindsey Graham insists he should get because lying to federal prosecutors is just not that big a deal. Unless you're Bill Clinton. We've got Newt admitting putting the screws to both Bill Clinton and an aide at the same time. We've got the horrible mess at Walter Reed and beyond. We've got the Comptroller General of the United States saying that we are in deep shit and unless we do something now we are going to be a third world country. We've got the report that no one in the administration is to mention polar bears because we don't want anyone to realize that there might be a problem with global warming and the possible extinction of said polar bears. We've got Alberto Gonzalez firing federal prosecutors to make room for Rove's pal and to get people more in tune with the Bush administration's goal of going after Democrats. We've got General Petreus saying that the military option cannot solve the problems in Iraq. And finally we've got Anne "Faggot" Coulter posing with a gay porn star.

How can you keep up? How can Bush even manage to pull out a 28% approval rating?

Meanwhile, as the spring thaw comes we are going to have even worse news coming out of Afghanistan.

It really is time to put politics aside and deal with all of this.

We have to have national health care.
We have to have a policy that gets us off oil.
We have to deal with Iraq - Joe Biden seems to have the best idea.
We have to commit to Afghanistan otherwise we're going to go the way of the Soviet Union.
We have to end the genocide in Darfur.
We have to stop global warming.
We have to raise taxes to get us out of debt.

Give me a candidate for President who's willing to be a grown up and face the horrific future in a responsible way.

