Duck! Cheney!

When will it finally be okay to ignore the Neo-Conservatives? How often do they have to get it wrong before the media finally says "you are not legitimate." Listening to Neo-cons talk about foreign policy is akin to asking Bozo the Clown about molecular biology. Pointless. Why don't we give flat earthers a segment on Hardball every night instead? Neo Cons are wrong about everything . Obviously. Their theories are speculative and destructive. They lie to accomplish each successive "goal" which , in turn, make the world less safe, kills a lot more people, and weakens our country.
The Liberals - like Michael Moore - have been proven correct again and again and they are marginalized by the main stream media. The exact opposite of what should be happening.
When is it okay to say to Duck, Cheney! and his band of neo-con idiots, you have the right to your views - but we will no longer give you the megaphone?
Your track record sucks.
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