Conservatism is a mental illness.

At what point does that fact that conservatives are mentally ill hit critical mass. Another right wing self hating closet case insulting gays in public and taking it in the ass in private. Conservatives have the bestest gay SEX!!! Conservatives are mentally ill. Have sex with them!!!! And then have them committed!!!! Whoo Hoo!!!
More here about the latest GOP porn star.
From Huffington post:
Coulter refused to address the gulf between her personal life and her public persona. Any acknowledgement of this contradiction would have cast her vitriolic attacks on deviant social groups as projections of her psycho-sexual issues. Like Haggard, Gannon, Sanchez or the countless right-wing hypocrites who have come and gone over the years, Coulter's contradictions are essential to understanding her reactionary posture. She is what I would call a CCC, or a Conflicted Conservative in Crisis.
Conservatism is a mental illness.
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