Clinton is a better choice/South PArk/Vaginal Dentata
Okay - I admit it - I simply do not understand the why any thoughtful Democrat would choose Obama over Clinton in the 2008 election. What, exactly, has Obama done to be qualified for the Presidency? Made very good speeches. and... and??? nothing. He is our Giuliani. Except he is less qualifed than Rudy. Shut up about Clinton's war stance, lefties. Do you want to win the general election or not? None of the current GOPs can beat Hillary. All of them can and will beat Obama. We are leaving Iraq, regardless of who wins. And frankly, her stance - which i disagree with - is held by the majority. Get over it.
I read comments on other liberal blogs about Clinton and they are largely indistinguishable from right wing rants. The Huffington Post's glorification of the 1984 rip off creator is the perfect collaboration of mindless fear of strong women and flashy Hollywood "cool". Childish liberals are all squishy with pro Obama squeals. Obama is less qualified to be President than W. Do the math, kids - its true. Should we hope and pray he is another Lincoln - or go with a qualified candidate? And Obama is no JFK either. WW2 vets should take offense to this comparison. Obama is a good guy who is sexy and makes good speeches. If I was in Illinois and had voted for him I would be pist.
Almost all contempt for Clinton is sexism and fear. With Glenn Beck we see it clearly as that. But in our own house we hide behind "cool." It's bullshit. A powerful woman is scary to the Left and Right. The hilarious South Park episode this week nails it. And actually treats her with kid gloves (relative to that show) until an ATF agent is killed by her vagina.
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