Turn off your television one day a week.

Acres/Simpsons/AbFab Tivo Trifecta...I watch and like television. But it has also become an indicator of our country's ill health. The coverage of Anna Nichole Smith's death is the latest example. We are fucked up.
My modest proposal: Choose one, two or three 24 hour blocks a week - TO GO ENTIRELY WITHOUT TELEVISION, OR IF YOU ARE REALLY BRAVE, GO WITHOUT ALL MEDIA. My stretched analogy: City dwellers take a trip to the country every so often to readjust, relax and breath the clean air. The noise of the media is mental chaos. Get away from it for a while every week. Set aside blocks of time. I am starting this practice in the week ahead. Not sure what day yet. And I am not giving up media entirely, nor do I have any intention of giving up media. However -
TAKE A MEDIA FREE DAY. OR TWO. Spread the word.
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