Neocons farting may cause global warming.

I wonder if Dana Rohrabacher understands the irony. The always idiotic Dana said global warming may have been caused in the past by "Dinosaur flatulence". They don't listen to reason, anyone who disagrees with them, or themselves.
Speaking of listening - when is it okay to simply stop taking people like Rohrabacher, Jonah Goldberg, and William Kristol seriously? Their judgement is clearly impaired. They have been wrong about almost everything. Conservatives, neo-conservatives, whatever they call themselves are simply WRONG almost all the time. We all know this. It is not hard to see. THERE ARE PLENTY OF WRITERS ON THE LEFT WHO WERE CORRECT ABOUT THE WAR ALL ALONG AND STILL ARE NOT SEEN ANYWHERE ON T.V. EXCEPT KEITH. Why do those on the "Right" continue to be taken seriously about anything? At what point do reasonable people simply say "look these types have been wrong with catastrophic results so often now we simply cannot trust their judgement."
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