GOP Scumbags
Even after 6 years of the disaster that is Bush I am still surprised at just how amoral the Republican Party is. These are the people who impeached a popular president because he lied about a blow job. But an entire administration lied this country into a foolish and illegal war, and is about to lie us into another and the asswipes in the GOP are bitching about Pelosi's plane.
The Republican Party is now controlled by unethical, immoral, amoral, unAmerican, dangerous, lying, money grubbing, pseudo fascist, scumbags.
Republicans lie. Americans die.
Fox News Lies. Americans die.
The Republican Party is now controlled by unethical, immoral, amoral, unAmerican, dangerous, lying, money grubbing, pseudo fascist, scumbags.
Republicans lie. Americans die.
Fox News Lies. Americans die.
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