Why I listen to Newt Gingrich.
Newt G. is wrong about nearly all policy. But he engineered the end of 40 years of Democratic rule in the House. Not a small feat. He has damn good political instincts. He is one of the few that has stated clearly that Rove's genius was an illusion. This is true. I have said so on this blog. Rove lost 2000 and had to have James Baker and Katherine Harris step in. He won 2002. He barely won 2004 against a pathetic opponent. And lost 2006. He is 2-2. He is not a genius. He is a prick with a good work ethic.
Newt also assumes Hillary Clinton will be President. And I think he is right. She is gonna be one tough broad in every sense. T.T. = Think Thatcher. Her political instincts probably still suck - but who cares. Her husband's are the best.
Hillary is too far to the Right for me. Fine. I am with her anyway. The Dennis Kusinch, Phil Angelides, Eugene McCarthy loser wing of the Democratic party is consistent in two things: principles and losing.
(The Clintons are GOOD - she has moved so quietly and consistently Rightward the gripe against her on the actual Right as being a "loony liberal" seems laughable now. ) She has won the positioning primary and regardless of what Ms. Huffington thinks good repositioning wins elections. We DO NOT have a parliamentary system. The middle is what it is all about in this country.
I am perfectly willing to be wrong. I have been - in 2000 I thought Bush would serve only one term. Then Kerry did not respond to the Swift Boat bullshit for 3 weeks - and I knew by mid August of 04 nothing would make a difference. W had won.
I knew GW Bush was going to be President in 2000 way back in 1994 the night he beat Ann Richards.
In 1992 Bill Clinton had just come in 2nd in New Hampshire - 2nd! He went on 60 minutes and one could see right then that this guy was going to win.
And when did Bill Clinton win reelection? Watch his speech in Oklahoma City after the bombing. He was very unpopular 2 years into his first term - but watch that speech - it is the moment he became a two term President.
AND when did Bush the First lose reelection ? When he was at about 88% approval and did not know what a grocery store scanner was.... I turned to my father and said - "that guy just lost"
And he did.
Anyway I do not go back much further. My gut says Hilary is not only the favorite but the overwhelming favorite to win it all. It takes a strange combination of timing, and guts, and viciousness, and savvy, and positioning, and the right opponent and the backing of the largely unseen powers "that be" and frankly - she has been roasted by the FOX Rightwing for a decade. Her weaknesses are old news. And new "revelations" about her will be suspect and since she is not John Kerry "new" bull shit from the Fox News Toadies will be dealt with swiftly and brutally by her team.
She did spent too much money on her last election - and Newt is right here - Obama forced her to enter sooner than she wanted to. Fine. She is already polling ahead of McCain and even with Rudy G. Which is to say she is running even with "for" Clinton and "for" who ever is not Clinton. -Rudy is a thrice married ex Mayor to the Left of Hillary on some core social issues.
The IRON LADY with Bubba Bill Clinton in tow vs. the ex Mayor of NEW YORK who supported gay rights - who is gonna win Florida and Arkansas? All a Democrat really needs down there. As my pal Cartman from South Park says "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Look at them both closely. Rudy is not a President.
Hillary is.
Rudy's "base" is ABC - Anybody But Clinton. And when is the last time an "Anybody But _____" won?
She could blow it. Hagel could get in. A lot can happen. Watch and listen to Newt. He gets the game.
Newt also assumes Hillary Clinton will be President. And I think he is right. She is gonna be one tough broad in every sense. T.T. = Think Thatcher. Her political instincts probably still suck - but who cares. Her husband's are the best.
Hillary is too far to the Right for me. Fine. I am with her anyway. The Dennis Kusinch, Phil Angelides, Eugene McCarthy loser wing of the Democratic party is consistent in two things: principles and losing.
(The Clintons are GOOD - she has moved so quietly and consistently Rightward the gripe against her on the actual Right as being a "loony liberal" seems laughable now. ) She has won the positioning primary and regardless of what Ms. Huffington thinks good repositioning wins elections. We DO NOT have a parliamentary system. The middle is what it is all about in this country.
I am perfectly willing to be wrong. I have been - in 2000 I thought Bush would serve only one term. Then Kerry did not respond to the Swift Boat bullshit for 3 weeks - and I knew by mid August of 04 nothing would make a difference. W had won.
I knew GW Bush was going to be President in 2000 way back in 1994 the night he beat Ann Richards.
In 1992 Bill Clinton had just come in 2nd in New Hampshire - 2nd! He went on 60 minutes and one could see right then that this guy was going to win.
And when did Bill Clinton win reelection? Watch his speech in Oklahoma City after the bombing. He was very unpopular 2 years into his first term - but watch that speech - it is the moment he became a two term President.
AND when did Bush the First lose reelection ? When he was at about 88% approval and did not know what a grocery store scanner was.... I turned to my father and said - "that guy just lost"
And he did.
Anyway I do not go back much further. My gut says Hilary is not only the favorite but the overwhelming favorite to win it all. It takes a strange combination of timing, and guts, and viciousness, and savvy, and positioning, and the right opponent and the backing of the largely unseen powers "that be" and frankly - she has been roasted by the FOX Rightwing for a decade. Her weaknesses are old news. And new "revelations" about her will be suspect and since she is not John Kerry "new" bull shit from the Fox News Toadies will be dealt with swiftly and brutally by her team.
She did spent too much money on her last election - and Newt is right here - Obama forced her to enter sooner than she wanted to. Fine. She is already polling ahead of McCain and even with Rudy G. Which is to say she is running even with "for" Clinton and "for" who ever is not Clinton. -Rudy is a thrice married ex Mayor to the Left of Hillary on some core social issues.
The IRON LADY with Bubba Bill Clinton in tow vs. the ex Mayor of NEW YORK who supported gay rights - who is gonna win Florida and Arkansas? All a Democrat really needs down there. As my pal Cartman from South Park says "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Look at them both closely. Rudy is not a President.
Hillary is.
Rudy's "base" is ABC - Anybody But Clinton. And when is the last time an "Anybody But _____" won?
She could blow it. Hagel could get in. A lot can happen. Watch and listen to Newt. He gets the game.
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