W, it is you who needs to shut up and listen to Pelosi, not the other way around.
So Bush "wrote" some horseshit OP-ED in the Wall Street Journal. It is such nonsense I won't even link to it. At any rate, it is asking DEMS to work with him and be nice (which is Bush pig latin for "do what I want!!! I am the boss of me!!!") Pelosi needs to bitch slap Bush back right away in WAPO or the NYT. Tell that sociopath in the White House that he has ignored the will of the people for years. THAT HE NEEDS TO LISTEN TO THE DEMOCRATS AND WORK WITH THEM - not the other way around. THAT THE ELECTION WAS A VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE IN HIM. So he should shut his food hole for a bit and take direction from the adults in D.C. Like the Dems and his Daddy's golfing pals.
Here is a list of traits of sociopaths - it reads like a list of requirements for GOP presidential candidates- or George W Bush's third grade report card:
impulsivity or failure to plan ahead
deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure
not learning from experience
no sense of responsibility
inability to control impulses
lack of moral sense
chronically antisocial behavior
no change in behavior after punishment
emotional immaturity
lack of guilt
Here is a list of traits of sociopaths - it reads like a list of requirements for GOP presidential candidates- or George W Bush's third grade report card:
impulsivity or failure to plan ahead
deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure
not learning from experience
no sense of responsibility
inability to control impulses
lack of moral sense
chronically antisocial behavior
no change in behavior after punishment
emotional immaturity
lack of guilt
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