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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

random: Clinton/powell/Carl's Jr./Oil/super big gulps

While we wait for the NEXT BIG BUSH BLUNDER - let me get a few things off my chest:
1. I am proud to say i have never seen a single America Idol. I believe that American Idol, Childhood Obesity, and Super Big Gulps are the true signs that the U.S. is on the downward slope as a nation. School shootings and Sean Hannity are also sure signs we are slipping fast.
2. Why does Huffington hate Hilary so much?And so far, I must say that my predictions about Clinton being the last person standing, and therefore winning the White House are shaping up. McCain can't even win a straw poll in Arizona. And Obama will make a mistake....watch....and, lets see, a Mormon from Massachusetts (a state he would lose to Clinton) or the person standing next the Bill Clinton? Or pick your random far right wing nutter from Kansas, or San Diego, or Colorado. They gonna beat Hilary? Newt G. has already conceded 08 to her. Colin Powell could beat her. She could beat herself... That ex-New york mayor that no one liked on Sept 10, 2001? hahahaha. He would lose NY to her... Come to think of it - Colin Powell and Senator Clinton - Clinton/Powell 08!!! He could make amends for his whorish U.N. debacle.
3. How come the Saudis are letting oil sink RIGHT NOW? Maybe no reason. However...it invites speculation. Being who I am - I am going with a conspiracy - The Saudis are leaving wiggle room for prices so when they shoot up after America/Israel attacks Iran in Feb/March...
4. Dee lish us.
5. Carl's Jr ads suck. All of them. They are revolting. And freaky.
6. I feel like the whole country is waiting for a big disaster so we can all exhale.


