More WEENIE nominations

There are a few surprises in the traditionally tough catagory of CONSERVATIVE GAS BAG of the Year - the 2006 the nominees are:
1. Bill O'Reilly
2. Dick Cheney
3. Conrad Burns
4. Denny Hastert
5. Sean Hannity
Furious at being passed over yet again in the GASBAG category - Michelle Malkin, John Gibson, and Michael Savage were reportedly seen smoking cigars together outside a SAMBO'S restaurant owned by Phyllis Schlafly. Michelle Malkin was overheard between puffs screaming:
"For God sake I endangered an Iraqi's life with my insane ranting and lies! What more do the WEENIE voters want? It must be because I am Asian. I am calling the ACLU!"
At which point John Gibson fainted and Michael Savage farted.
20 time winner Rush Limpbaw removed himself from consideration again this year.
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