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Friday, January 19, 2007

meat/rich little???/gangs/a party on 1/20/09?

Friday rants:
1. Meat is a problem, people. I still eat it. I still like it. But I am cutting way back. It is not helping our situation.
2. and we have a situation.
3. Was I and a whole lot of other people wrong about "peak oil"? Hmmm.
4. Here is a sign of just how far Bush has sunk and the Washington Press corps has become WORTHLESS. Rich Little??? And he "can't mention the war". Fuck the Washington media. Idiots. Why in hell can't he mention the WAR??? Whores, cowards and idiots, oh my.
5.Please "DON'T MENTION THE WAR" is the fervent prayer of everyone in the Bush White House. It speaks volumes about the moral destruction of D. C. since BushCheney began that the White house "correspondents" would insist that the biggest news story of our time be ignored at their annual dinner. Whores.
6. As much as I loath what Bush has done to us - I must say the the media allowing it for 6 years and "Democrats" like Lieberman are worse in my eyes.
7. I am against the removal of civil liberties - except for gangs and taggers. Herd them all onto a plane, fly over the ocean, and shove them out a door. For years we have been "studying" gangs in L.A. and every year little kids get shot. Fuck them. Ban gangs, arrest members, and dump them in an ocean.
8. That last one surprised ya.... if you lived in LA you would get it. Studying the best way to stop gangs for 30 years is disgusting when children are being killed in their yards. It is, in fact, immoral.
9. Favorite Green Acres quote of the week: Lisa to Oliver "Remember what my father the King always said 'Two heads are better than yours' ".
10. I think a nationwide series of parties should happen on 1/20/09 to celebrate the exit of W. and the end of our long nightmare.

