The list of people who should be held to account by the American public.

Today in Iraq: Here and here.
There will be a relentless meme to"look forward in Iraq" or a "we must have a new way forward." etc etc. But beware the attempt by the Bushies to avoid accountability. We cannot finally and totally learn the true lesson of Vietnam and this idiotic Bush created war without examining what happened, how it happened, and why. Too many people have died for no reason. Too many of our kids have been maimed and killed for no reason. We must find and affix blame. Unless we understand what happened we cannot heal. And this country needs to heal from 6 years of lies, deceit and cavalier contempt for our collective well being as a nation.
None of this had to happen. Thoughtful liberals and moderates predicted exactly this outcome in Iraq before the war began. Clear headed people knew and were vocal about the fact that Iraq had no WMD's and that it had no connection to Bin Laden.
These people were ignored because neo-cons, oil interests, and war profiteers wanted war.
In no particular order these are some of the people who need to be held to account for the international, unnecessary crisis in Iraq and our country. Some should be punished legally. Some should resign and apologize. Some should be removed from our political life, some should simply be ignored forever more. This is not a small mistake. The Neo-cons were so wrong, in such a large and destructive way, that they should be SHUNNED. And no - not everyone thought there were WMDs in Iraq. Many people did not. And said so. This lie is particularly putrid.
George W Bush
Dick Cheney
Condi Rice
Paul Wolfwitz
Andrew Sullivan
Fox News
Scooter Libby
Joe Lieberman
John McCain
Rush Limpbough
Jonah Goldberg
Ann Coulter
Judas Miller
Bill Kristol
Bill Frist
Newt Gingrich
Feel free to add to the list.
Some of these people are hucksters, some are just stupid, some war profiteers, some are just too arrogant to admit a mistake. A few are still true believers. People in mental hospitals around the world believe they are Napoleon. This does not make it so - and no one is giving them an army to fight with.
Laws have been broken. Lives ended and destroyed. People must be held responsible.
A sane near future is contingent on understanding the recent past.
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