Liberals had it right all along - they deserve our respect and admiration now.
Oh my - there is no joy in what Bush is doing in our name in Iraq. But I had a moment of glee in reading that even the Vice President of Iraq says the invasion was an "Idiot Decision."
Good lord. Gotta love that. Even the peeps Bush installed think he is a moron.
They are, of course, correct.
And another thing - and I think this is really what is sticking in my craw about the over reporting of GOPs who are turning on Bush and his war of choice after 4 years - WHY DOES THE MEDIA GO APESHIT WHEN A CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN FINALLY COMES TO HIS SENSES?
Yes, Hagel is forceful now about the stupidity of the war. That's nice. RUSS FEINGOLD ACTUALLY STOOD UP FOR WHAT WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG. What we should be doing right now is examining how it is that yet again - THE LIBERALS HAD IT RIGHT YEARS AGO, AND NO ONE IN THE MEDIA LISTENED. How many times does this have to happen? Frankly, I am sick of the deification of the Johnny come lately Republican. Liberals like Obama and Feingold should be the focus of our admiration and respect now.
They were right all along. If we had listened to Feingold, and Kennedy, and Jack Reed and the rest a long time ago we would not be in this fix.
Good lord. Gotta love that. Even the peeps Bush installed think he is a moron.
They are, of course, correct.
And another thing - and I think this is really what is sticking in my craw about the over reporting of GOPs who are turning on Bush and his war of choice after 4 years - WHY DOES THE MEDIA GO APESHIT WHEN A CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN FINALLY COMES TO HIS SENSES?
Yes, Hagel is forceful now about the stupidity of the war. That's nice. RUSS FEINGOLD ACTUALLY STOOD UP FOR WHAT WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG. What we should be doing right now is examining how it is that yet again - THE LIBERALS HAD IT RIGHT YEARS AGO, AND NO ONE IN THE MEDIA LISTENED. How many times does this have to happen? Frankly, I am sick of the deification of the Johnny come lately Republican. Liberals like Obama and Feingold should be the focus of our admiration and respect now.
They were right all along. If we had listened to Feingold, and Kennedy, and Jack Reed and the rest a long time ago we would not be in this fix.
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