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Saturday, January 27, 2007

Keith O. Chuck H. and Monty Hall

Had Friday's Keith Olberman with my Saturday coffee. DVRs are near to being the perfect invention. I have to admit - Chuck Hagel is an attractive candidate. He does give me pause. Real pause. What a strange election Clinton/Hagel would be. The GOP candidate slightly to the Left of the DEM on the war. And to the Right on everything else.
For a host of reasons I do think we need a liberal government for 4 to 8 years. Liberal as in FDR. I think we need a Marshall Plan type of government intervention when it comes to global warming and energy. WE SIMPLY CANNOT AFFORD FOUR MORE YEARS OF "CONSERVATIVE" ATTITUDES TOWARD GLOBAL WARMING. We are in real danger. A President beholden to the Fox News audience could very well do catastrophic damage with inaction. The Federal Government in this country is going to have to be aggressive in curbing CO2s. Also, the Robber Baron society created by Bush and the super wealthy has got to be reigned in - before - we'll just before....wealth imbalance like we have now in this country never turns out well. We need national health care. I really can't even engage an argument about it anymore. We are 20 years past due. We will leave Iraq no matter who wins. And in this country we need to be able to discuss "class" with modifiers other than "middle". How the top 1% and the bottom 20% came to be where they are has got to be a topic on the table.
The next President is going to have to raise taxes on the rich. Bush's war is being financed by unborn children. This is an obscenity.
Can Hagel deal with this? Of course. Does he want to? Bill Clinton did it the last time GOPS ran the country's finances into a ditch. Hagel is certainly up to it. I happen to think, like Newt G, it is Hillary's job to lose. And she or Hagel are as close as we are going to get to someone who can handle the many messes the Bush GOP has left us. Many many things can happen though. I do love politics.

Anyway, I, John in Los Angeles and my running mate - Monty Hall - (my overweight border collie) have set up a presidential exploratory committee. To go where Presidential exploratory committees have never gone before. Only he and I are on it - but things are moving fast. Carlton the door man, Mel Gibon's neighbor's maid's son, and Shirley Q. Liquor are hosting a big Hollywood fund raiser for us at Norm's by LAX - SAVE THE DATE!

