Hagel/Clinton 08! Doomsday ticker...rehab...creepy spears...N.D. Football sucks

Hey now- Hagel IS a GOP who could beat Hilary. And, frankly, I am with lefty Bob Scheer - I would vote for him. Could he win the GOP nod? Who knows? He might be able to get the criminally insane wing of the GOP under control. ALSO Stephen Hawking and the clock move closer to midnight. Global warming is real - gee - who knew? oh yeah LIBERALS, PROGRESSIVES, And OTHER SANE PEOPLE KNEW all along. As usual. Everyone should listen to true liberals first all the time. How many times do we have to prove ourselves correct early and often??? We are almost always right and the Right is almost always wrong. It's called American "history". Check it out.AND ya know what? I do not give a shit what famous idiot is in rehab or going to rehab. And i am fucking sick of "celebrities" ignoring the anonymous part of Alcoholics Anonymous to get attention. Go to meetings, sit down, shut up and wash coffee cups after the meeting with the drunk who sleeps on the park bench. I really loath those white trash turds like Broccoli Spears and Lindsey Lowlife. Who are famous at this point because they are creepy freaks. HEY MEDIOCRE FAMOUS PEOPLE - STOP GOING TO REHAB AS A P.R. STUNT.
Finally Notre Dame Football is pretty but it sucks. It will continue to suck, has sucked for a while, and is sucking loudly right at this very moment.
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