Do all Bushes suck?

I do love my Trojans. I hope that Reggie Bush and his parents did not screw the university over with their greed and stupidity. This quote from the LA Times is saddest of all:
"Griffin went to Los Angeles, where he and Bush used the cash to buy a 1996 Chevrolet Impala, "
Are you kidding me? Reggie, you endangered a National Championship, two conference championships and your Heisman - to buy 1996 Impala????? Say it ain't so.
IF true this is a sign of the end times. What ever became of tact and good taste anyway? I miss it. They were so 20th Century....
Regardless, the rapacious college presidents and television executives have slaves called "players" they cash in on big time. How is a 20 year old with greedy parents who is on the verge of a huge payday supposed to wait 2 years? Most do, I admit, but not all. The system is set up to use and screw the players.
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