Conservative Amoral Awards - The WEENIES

The first category of nominees for the Conservative Amoral Awards - popularly known as The Weenies- were announced this morning.
For Most Despicable Comment the competition was tough in 2006 but the five nominees are:
1. George W Bush for "Iraq will be just a comma..."
2. George Allen for "Maccaca"
3. Ann Coulter for "9/11 widows attack"
4. Rush Limbaugh for "Mocking Michael J. Fox."
5. Bill O'Reilly for "Do I care if Sunnis and Shiites kill each other?"
Mr. O'Reilly was also nominated in the Most Idiotic Rant and Gaseous Blowhard categories. He will go up against the Vice President in the latter category.
Hot new couple Ted Haggard and Mark Foley will present the award.
The Weenies will be hosted by Bill Frist . Mr Frist won the coveted GOLDEN ASS in 2005 for "Terri Shiavo Video Diagnosis."
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