We knew Obama was a fraud before it was cool...



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Saturday, January 20, 2007

CLINTON 08! Get on the bus.

It is time for a woman President. This will no longer be true if Hagel gets in. In which case the first woman President can wait till next time. For goodness sake - the country NEEDS BILL BACK IN THE WHITE HOUSE. She ain't perfect but she's a hell of a lot better than any of the GOPs. STOP ASKING YOURSELF IF HILLARY CAN WIN AND START ASKING YOURSELF - WHO CAN BEAT HER? The GOP contenders narrow to almost nothing in an instant. McCain has crippled his own campaign in the last month. Oh and did you see what she did to that poor punk in the debates in NY during the 2000 election?
(And let me say this now: the deal is done. She's gonna win the election anyway. Certain elections are decided well in advance - and not by you and me on election day. 1988, 1996, 2000, 2004 for example. 2000 was nearly botched because Bush II is such a moron. The Left really needs to stop ranting about secret power brokers running everything and then dismissing the idea of conspiracies in the next breath. Yeah yeah yeah - I'm a nut etc etc etc. I only wish I had documented my "hunches". )
Things can take unexpected turns but the only question I see today is who will become vice president on 1/20/09:
Clinton/Tester 08
Clinton/Webb 08
Clinton/Obama 08
Clinton/Richardson 08
Clinton/Feinstein 08
Clinton/Gore 08
Clinton/Hagel 08
Clinton/Clinton 08
Clinton/Stewart 08
Clinton/Winfrey 08
Clinton/Powell 08
Clinton/Clark 08
Look, Obama is the Howard Dean or Gary Hart or Bill Bradley or Eugene McCarthy of 08. There always is one on the Democratic side. The person the base loves initially and then fades or chokes. Obama is great but let it go people.

