Chaos is the strategy.

How very quaint of the Brookings Institute. They think Bush's Iraq failure might cause a war with Iran. Oh. My. Why is it so hard for intelligent people to see that BUSHCO WANTS THE WAR TO SPILL OVER TO IRAN? Chaos IS the strategy.
We are in deep, deep trouble. The closer one looks the more CONFLAGRATION seems to be the Bush/Cheney goal. Main Entry: con·fla·gra·tion
Pronunciation: "kän-fl&-'grA-sh&n
Function: noun Etymology: Latin conflagration-, conflagratio, from conflagrare 1 : FIRE; especially : a large disastrous fire 2 : CONFLICT, WAR
P.S. Here is some more bad news we have to contend with since dickless, idiot corporate whore "conservatives" have been in charge too long. As long as quarterly earning are up they will happily continue to destroy the planet and say global warming is a "myth." VOTE FOR LIBERALS! ALL THE TIME!
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