Bush is the liar. Cheney is a freak. or the other way around, I forget.

Bush said yesterday: "I've picked the plan that I think is most likely to succeed," Bush said in an Oval Office meeting with senior military advisers.
Military advisers thought "No, you created this mess we are in now - why the F*** should anyone believe you now? For F*** sake - shut up, resign, and go back to Crawford."
Cheney told Wolf Blitzer that the idea that blunders had been made in Iraq :"Hogwash"
Blitzer thought: Wow - this guy is truly out of his mind. I think he really believes nothing has gone wrong in Iraq. This is amazing. I think I love him. I can't wait to bring him home to meet Mommy.
hmmm what else? Bushco wants a fight with Iran. This is clear. They are also spoiling for a fight with congress.
I find this remarkable. Go look. How is this possible?
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