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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Adults 08! - and why I love the Clintons.

This is why I love the Clintons:
"When you are attacked, you have to deck your opponent," Clinton said. "I have been through the political wars longer than some of you have been alive. We've got to be prepared to hold our ground and fight back." Go Hillary...
Now then about the actual war and how it will play out in 08:
Here is the problem with attacking "those who voted for the war before they voted against it." Voting for the war and then voting against it is what the whole country did. Vox Populi voted for the war before they voted against it. Clinton and Kerry and Hagel and Warner all represent different segments of an electorate "that voted for the war before they voted against it." To repeat myself again. and again.
If would be lovely if the media had given equal time to the minority who were clear and correct about the war from the gate - such as me, co blogger Lynne, Gore, Webb, and Obama - listed here in order of importance. But they did not.

08 is going to be about Iraq. Sadly, it is not going to be about who was always right about Iraq. Liberals, who consistently deserve and earn respect by being the vanguard of American history, get no respect in the media. 08 is going to be about "adulthood" - that's my guess so far.
Adults 08!

The question all the "conventional" wisdom foamers ask about Senator
Clinton continues to be the wrong one. It is not "Can she win? It is WHO CAN BEAT HER?
There are people on both side who can beat her - but none of the announced candidates will come close. ( Rudy is B.S. - wait until the klieg light shines on HIM - Hillary will clock him. She runs even with him NOW - and we know her. Warts and all. We think we know Rudy G. - we don't. His support is based on an impression. )

Who can beat her? Arnold (can't run)....Hagel (isn't running) ....the list is painfully short. McCain has ruined his chances. Unless he becomes vice-president....after the Libby trial...hahahahaha...could happen...

