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Sunday, November 26, 2006

she is divisive. So what? George W is Mr. Divisive.

Okay I admit it: Over the holiday I made my "why Hillary can win" speech twice to friendly audiences of family all of whom are moderate Democrats, greatly relieved by the midterm result. None of them are paticularly opposed to a second President Clinton.
This is what is always said among us DEMS when Hillary comes up:
1. "She Can't Win!" and 2. "She is so divisive."
Both of these statements can't be defended, and they are classic cases of a GOP meme infecting the DEMS unnoticed.
First number 2 - "she is so divisive" is a ridiculous concern. The single most divisive President since 1865 currently holds office. The word "divisive" is a Maguffin.
Number 1:
Of course she can win. This idea that she can't is weird, wrong and silly. I personally think she could win in her own right. However, simply go through the major GOP contenders and one will see just how viable a Clinton 2 president is....Let me tee them up and bat them down.

A. John McCain - tough Hill could well lose this race. But how- exactly - is sending thousands of more troops to Iraq going to play in 2008? McCain might not look so good upon real close inspection. Hill., on the other hand, has been trashed and lived.
B. Rudy G. Thrice married, lived with a gay couple when his wife would not leave Grace Mansion. Pro Choice. Pro Gay rights. Which GOP primary was this guy gonna win again? Hill would beat him in NY in the general.
c. Condi Rice, 6 words: Single black woman. South Carolina Primary.
d. Newt Gingrich: interesting battle. The "Clinton" brand beats the "Gingrich" brand. Hillary gets every state Kerry got, plus Ohio and New Mexico.
e. Mitt Romney. One term Gov. of Mass. Mormon. Deep South. End of story.
f. Bill Frist. I could beat Bill Frist. So could you.

On election night Chris Mathews commenting on Hillary's victory speech remarked that he could not take his eyes off her husband. This according to his panel, was the problem with Hillary as a candidate - Bill would always be on stage, too.

This proves how off the conventional wisdom is about Hillary. Bill standing behind her sucking up the air, and exhaling intelligence and nostalgia, is actually Hillary's most lethal weapon. She knows this. How come Chris Mathews can't see it?

Hillary can win. Not sure I want her too. But she can. And she'd make a good president.
Get over it.

