Rummy so sad. waa. boo. hoo.
So Rumsfeld feels bad after W opened the trap door on him. Waaaaaaa Waaaaaaa boo. hoo. Donald Rumsfeld should be forced to walk around Sadr city wearing only a sandwich board that says: "Hi I'm Don Rumsfeld. I forced the U.S. to invade your country with no post war plan. My glibness, arrogance and stupidity has greatly contributed to the destruction of your country."
So Robert Novak now thinks something is "deeply wrong" with the Bush administration. Welcome aboard, dipshit. Those of us truly concerned about the direction of the country and the 20,000 maimed Americans Rummy gave us have been saying this for years.
We very much need consistent liberal leadership in this country. Conservative governments are disastrous. How many more times do we need this proven before we start giving liberals their due. We are almost always right. The Right is almost always wrong. How many more people will have limbs blown off for a mistake?
So Robert Novak now thinks something is "deeply wrong" with the Bush administration. Welcome aboard, dipshit. Those of us truly concerned about the direction of the country and the 20,000 maimed Americans Rummy gave us have been saying this for years.
We very much need consistent liberal leadership in this country. Conservative governments are disastrous. How many more times do we need this proven before we start giving liberals their due. We are almost always right. The Right is almost always wrong. How many more people will have limbs blown off for a mistake?
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