It is time to stop listening to Conservatives
Now a whole new slew of neocons are running way from Bozo Bush. I am fed up with it somehow being news when conservatives realize how screwed up they are... Guess what, neo cons and mass media overlords - liberals KNEW EXACTLY how Iraq would turn out -
and said so -
and it did.
We were right.
All along.
Rather than making a big deal out of the fact that right wingers occasionally come out of their fog - let's just stop listening to them. "Oops. Sorry. Just came to. And an invasion based on inference and "curveball" and my desire to win at RISK and with not nearly enough troops is actually a bad idea!!! GEE what was I thinking?!" -DOES NOT CUT IT. Especially for our dead and maimed. We continue to heed obviously deluded conservatives AT OUR OWN PERIL. These people are dangerous.
And post Goldwater conservatism in America is based entirely on delusion. Ask Mark Foley. Check out the melting ice caps. Read Fiasco. We went to war because a few people had a delusion. We shall pay for this delusion for.... well, forever...
and said so -
and it did.
We were right.
All along.
Rather than making a big deal out of the fact that right wingers occasionally come out of their fog - let's just stop listening to them. "Oops. Sorry. Just came to. And an invasion based on inference and "curveball" and my desire to win at RISK and with not nearly enough troops is actually a bad idea!!! GEE what was I thinking?!" -DOES NOT CUT IT. Especially for our dead and maimed. We continue to heed obviously deluded conservatives AT OUR OWN PERIL. These people are dangerous.
And post Goldwater conservatism in America is based entirely on delusion. Ask Mark Foley. Check out the melting ice caps. Read Fiasco. We went to war because a few people had a delusion. We shall pay for this delusion for.... well, forever...
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