Sunday Buzz
I watch the Sunday News shows. I am a bit of a news junkie.
Cokie Roberts said on This Week when discussing John Warner's bleak assessment of Iraq that they (Congress) are going to deal with this after the elections.
I thought, wow, how callous is that? Here we are in the midst of the worst month for American soldiers - how many dead already this month? And we are not going to have a real conversation on Iraq until after the elections? No one said, jeez, Cokie, that is unconscionable. Jeez, Cokie, while these jokers are trying to keep their seats we have men and women in harms way trying to stay alive. Perhaps these assholes should put the soldiers first, no?
What the kids on the round table did agree on is that the Bush administration is basically going to do exactly what Jack Murtha suggested last November after this November's elections and call it something else. I don't know, maybe Operation Freedom to Steal Other People's Ideas and Call Them Our Own Without Giving Them Any Credit With Enduring Blindness to Any Irony. Something catchy like that.
There really is something wrong with us that we don't just run to our windows and scream that we're mad as hell and not going to take it anymore. Because our men and women being killed and maimed in a senseless war trumps getting re-elected.
Cokie Roberts said on This Week when discussing John Warner's bleak assessment of Iraq that they (Congress) are going to deal with this after the elections.
I thought, wow, how callous is that? Here we are in the midst of the worst month for American soldiers - how many dead already this month? And we are not going to have a real conversation on Iraq until after the elections? No one said, jeez, Cokie, that is unconscionable. Jeez, Cokie, while these jokers are trying to keep their seats we have men and women in harms way trying to stay alive. Perhaps these assholes should put the soldiers first, no?
What the kids on the round table did agree on is that the Bush administration is basically going to do exactly what Jack Murtha suggested last November after this November's elections and call it something else. I don't know, maybe Operation Freedom to Steal Other People's Ideas and Call Them Our Own Without Giving Them Any Credit With Enduring Blindness to Any Irony. Something catchy like that.
There really is something wrong with us that we don't just run to our windows and scream that we're mad as hell and not going to take it anymore. Because our men and women being killed and maimed in a senseless war trumps getting re-elected.
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