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Monday, October 30, 2006

Pro Life

So, I have decided to take back the term pro-life as a description for everyone who wants this war in Iraq to end. See, we are pro-life because we want our soldiers to live, we are pro-life because we want the Iraqi civilians to live.

All who work against global warming are pro-life, too. We want the planet to sustain life in the future. Kind of kooky and out there but we really think that's important.

Fighting the genocide in Darfur is pro-life. We don't want to see women and children burned out of their homes, their wells poisoned so they can no longer sustain life, the women held in rape camps, the men murdered. We want them to have a life of dignity and the opportunity to live in their homes, not in a refugee camp.

Supporting stem cell research is pro-life. Wouldn't it be nice if your grandmother didn't have to suffer from alzheimers? Or your uncle from diabetes? Pro-life also means a better life. By the way, if you're against stem cell research you need to go all the way and be against invitro fertilization. For years eggs have been thrown out, you should demand the heads of the people who run the IVF clinics for murder.

Helping the poor is pro-life. I know the people who think Reagan is the greatest president EVER might disagree but his administration ruling the ketchup was a vegetable to save money on school lunches is not-pro life. It is hurting the poor. You cannot get an education if you are hungry. Maslov's hierarchy of needs, my friends. Mr. Bush (the current) is also not pro-life when he allowed so many people to perish and starve after Katrina. Granted, he did manage to cut short his vacation for one brain dead woman. To bad the same can't be said for the people who died in the tsunami or Katrina.

For anyone reading this who believes pro-life is only about abortion you have been had. If Mr. Bush were really on your side and believed that abortion is murder he would have demanded a constitutional amendment banning it. He would be fighting every day to stop it. He would attend your rallies instead of phoning it in. And if you believe abortion is murder are you willing to adopt a few black children? I don't see the list of kids in foster care going down so I suppose not. If you're a man and believe that abortion is murder do you wear a condom every time you have sex to prevent an unwanted pregnancy? (That's a question for Rush since it has never been explained why a Christian like himself who is unmarried would need viagra.)

Pro-life means a better life for all.

I am pro-life.

