James Baker and the kooky conservatives
Why is it such big news when conservatives start saying what liberals were saying all along? James Baker says Iraq is a mess. Really? Welcome aboard, numbnuts. If the media would actually listen to liberals initially we would all be better off. And ten of us would not have been killed today. And there might have been a real debate in this country before Bush started his asinine war. Bush,Cheney, and Rummy are out of touch with reality ON PURPOSE. Some of us this knew this a long time ago.
Also - in a broader sense - why does the GOP exist at all? The GOP is a bad habit its partisans are to lazy to change. The social conservatives are used to get elected - then ignored by the fiscal conservatives. The fiscal conservatives spend like crack addicted gamblers - pitching the budget and sanity overboard.
There is nothing conservative about the GOP at this point. It may be time for a third party on the Right.
Also - in a broader sense - why does the GOP exist at all? The GOP is a bad habit its partisans are to lazy to change. The social conservatives are used to get elected - then ignored by the fiscal conservatives. The fiscal conservatives spend like crack addicted gamblers - pitching the budget and sanity overboard.
There is nothing conservative about the GOP at this point. It may be time for a third party on the Right.
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