Delay and Foley and WMDs, Oh MY! ---and wicca too!
I try to follow my own rule of not being overly condescending to Red State morons. But sometimes - it is just not possible. Looky here - a Georgia parent wants Harry Potter Books banned because she says they promote Wicca. How can we not condescend to that? These people are fu%*^#* idiots. If the Harry Potter books promoted wicker - I'd be all for a ban. There ARE more important things. Bush and the GOPs have lost Iraq, are about to lose Afghanistan, have exploded our debt, damaged the military, ruined the intelligence agencies, ignored warnings about 9/11, disappeared as Katrina hit, and lied so often and so much that it is impossible to tell if ANYONE in Bush's party has a moral center of gravity anymore. The Republican Party has rotted to the core - and it is taking America with it.
Delay, and Foley, and WMD's.
Oh My.
Delay, and Foley, and WMD's.
Oh My.
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