Coulter, The Amish, real Christians. And more proof Jesus finds the GOP repellent.
By the by - to all the alleged Christians out there - like that Bush guy - who think that torture, preemptive war, and vicious attacks on gays and lesbians is "Christian" (just so long as you accept "Jesus as your lord and savior" - what ever the hell THAT means - you can money grub, power grab and behave with no integrity... cuz, you know, Ann Coulter is still a virgin... I mean she must be, right? She's not married...)
Here is a piece about a genuinely Christian and truly radical act that Jesus would understand and applaud:
Amish mourn gunman who killed 5 girls.
And FYI - George W Bush is not a man of deep faith. He is a man of deep belligerence and no faith. That is not a judgment. It is an observable fact.
I am off to a truly amazing Christian church. Later.
Here is a piece about a genuinely Christian and truly radical act that Jesus would understand and applaud:
Amish mourn gunman who killed 5 girls.
And FYI - George W Bush is not a man of deep faith. He is a man of deep belligerence and no faith. That is not a judgment. It is an observable fact.
I am off to a truly amazing Christian church. Later.
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