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Thursday, October 05, 2006

Basic Morality

Last night Bill Moyers had a documentary on Jack Abramoff. It was amazing how greedy and completely amoral Abramoff, Scanlin, Ney and DeLay all are.

Who cares if people are being exploited on the Mariannas? They were making money. Who cares if they were bilking Indian tribes and taking the money that should have gone to essential services for the tribe to pay for a golf outing for Ney and the ultra creepy Ralph Reed?

Meanwhile, the Foley saga continues to get messier. There was breaking news last night that perhaps Mr. Foley had gone to the Page Dorm drunk and had to be removed by the police. Lovely, just lovely. Ann Coulter was on Hannity and Colmes last night and (for the few minutes that I watched - really - how much can one person take?) her assertion was that Foley is gay. Sorry, Ms. Coulter, he is a predator. He is a pedophile who is using the excuse of alcholism.

That pisses me off. Just like that horrible woman who raped the 14 year old boy in Florida who said she was too pretty to go to jail and then blamed her actions on being bi-polar. These people give alcholics and bi-polar people a bad name. Don't we have enough problems without assholes using fake excuses for their bad behaviour?

We'll have to see what happens in a month with the mid-terms. The idea of someone voting for Foley is too strange to contemplate. The idea that the Democrats don't have enough to run on is beyond comprehension as well.

But no one ever lost by underestimating the failure of the Democrats to capitalize on a Republican scandal or on the ability of the ultra-right to vote for a child molester as long as there's an (R) after his name.

